Service Contract Notice – NEAR/TIA/2024/EA-RP/0034 “Support to improve the legal and regulatory framework and capacities for digital connectivity based on the EU acquis” – financed under IPA 2022 National Program.
Additional information about Contract Notice
Service Contract Notice – NEAR/TIA/2024/EA-RP/0035 “Support the implementation of the EU acquis in the rail sector through establishment and capacity building of the required rail authorities and systems” – financed under IPA 2022 National Program.
Additional information about Contract Notice
Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) has launched the 4th edition of the regional competition event – Balkathon, trademark online competition for the best digital ideas and solutions from the Western Balkans.
At Balkathon 4.0 we focus on (1) Sustainable Tourism, (2) Green Economy, and (3) Entrepreneurship.
The short-listed teams will have the opportunity to get a two-day mentoring programme with experienced experts, chance to implement their solution in the Western Balkans region and win one of the six awards from the 60.000 EUR award pool. We will award six winning ideas – two in the each of the categories with 10.000 EUR.
The registration process will be open until 13 September 2023.
The competition will be linked with the most important digital event in the WB region – Digital Summit, and the final competition event will be held on 3 October 2023.
For more information on registration and requirements please see on link: https://rcc.int/balkathon.
Invitation for Expression of Interest “Green Transport Tirana: Tender for Project Implementation Consultant”
Invitation for Prequalification of Energy Efficiency Rehabilitation Programme, Student City I – Tirana
Clarifications Release I (05 November 2021)
Clarifications Release II (12 November 2021)
Invitation for express of interest
The Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy (MIE) of the Republic of Albania hereby initiates a tender process for utility-scale, onshore wind power plants.
The MIE invites Prospective Bidders to identify and propose sites viable for the design, financing, construction and operation of new onshore wind power plants.
To assist Prospective Bidders, the MIE has commissioned a high-level analysis of Albanian territory to indicate areas potentially suitable for developing new wind projects and areas unsuitable / non-eligible for developing new wind projects defined as “constraints” or “no go areas[1]”. The study can be accessed at: https://www.infrastruktura.gov.al/shprehje-interesi/.
Participation in this tender process is restricted to Projects with a minimum capacity of 10 MW and a maximum capacity of 75 MW. Through this tender process, the MIE will select Projects totalling 100 MW that will receive support measures as described below. The Contracting Authority may decide at a later stage to increase the total tendered capacity to 150MW.[2]
Each Selected Bidder will sign a Project Development Agreement and a 15-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to sell 100% of the energy output from its Project with support measures at a fixed price, equal to its Financial Bid in the Bidding Procedure. The PPA will be converted into a Contract for Difference (CfD) upon occurrence of a Conversion Event (when a functional day-ahead market is operational in Albania, which will be determined based on pre-defined conditions).
The support will be granted directly in the form of a Contract for Difference if a Market Readiness Assessment is completed by the RFP publication date (i.e. a functional day-ahead market and REO are established).
The Bidding Procedure will be implemented as a two-stage process:
[1] Please note that the siting study has been updated with respect to the treatment of Candidate Emerald Sites as no-go areas.
[2] The Contracting Authority may decide to increase the total tendered capacity to 150 MW in the upcoming months upon the adoption of a formal decision on the 2030 renewable energy targets.
Application announcement for the Block B and Block E, onshore
In accordance with the “Petroleum Law (Exploration and Production)”, No. 7746, dated 28.07.1993, which authorizes the Ministry to enter into a Petroleum Agreement with foreign and/or local companies, in order to invest for petroleum exploration and production in territory of Albania, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, through the Order of Minister no. 102, dated February 18, 2021, offers Block B and Block E onshore for exploration.
Interested parties are invited to submit applications for this block in accordance with the attached document “Albania-Tender”.
Invitation to Bid-Block B & E (click here)
Shoqëria “KESH” sh.a ka shprehur interesin dhe ka paraqitur pranë Ministrisë së Infrastrukturës dhe Energjisë, aplikimin për ndërtimin e një impianti fotovoltaik 5.143 MWp në digën e Qyrsaqit, HEC Vau i Dejës. (Njoftim)
Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy – Announcement on a future wind auction for the selection of onshore wind projects with site- locations identified by developers, that will get support measures.
EN – Wind Announcement document
AL – Dokumenti Njoftimit për Energjinë nga Era
EN – Wind Siting Main Document: (i) Technical Memorandum; and (ii) full Study.
AL – Dokumentet Kryesore për zhvillimin e projekteve të energjisë së erës në Shqipëri, (i) Memorandumi Teknik; and (ii) Studimi i plotë.
Invitation for express of interest
Albpetrol JSC hereby announces the declaration of two gas fields in Albania that are under the administration of Albpetrol.
Any interested party might apply for the following free oil fields:
Whomever concerned in entering into a Petroleum Agreement with Albpetrol JSC for the abovementioned oilfields must file and officially submit via mail the Application Form and all the corresponding documents as specified in the Application Form.
The Application Form and the relevant documents must be authentic and signed in each page by the interested parties and also must contain the official seal of the company.
The Application Form and the relevant documents must be submitted for each oilfield separately, at the following address: Albpetrol sh.a., Fier-Patos National Street, 7th Km, Patos, Albania.
The delivery of the Application Form and any other relevant documentation shall be considered as an official express of interest by the applying subject.
All applications must be officially submitted to Albpetrol no later than 05th of March 2021, 15.00 hrs (local time). No application shall be accepted after the final deadline as specified herein.
Any interested party in acquiring the Technical Data Package available to Albpetrol related to any of the abovementioned oilfields must submit a formal request via email to our person of contact, Mr. Arqile Piperi, through: arqile.piperi@albpetrol.al
Please be advised that the Technical Data Package regarding any of these oilfields are subject to a fee of 6500$ (VAT included). For more information please contact Mr. Arqile Piperi.
The acquisition of the Technical Data Package is mandatory for any interested party. The failure to comply with this condition will result in the disqualification of the application
Notification of Contract
Selection of the successful bidder for the design, financing, construction, operation, maintenance and transfer of a Solar Photovoltaic Facility, with an installed capacity of 70 MWp (peak power) as part of support measures, for the purchase of the energy produced by such capacity, and an additional installed capacity of 30 MWp, which will not be part of support measures (totaling 100 MWp of installed capacity) to be located at the Spitalla Site, Durres, Albania (Project). (Notification)
Invitation for Tenders: The Rehabilitation of Durres – Tirana Public Transport Terminal (PTT) railway line and new railway connection to Tirana International Airport (TIA) which includes the design and build of the 39 Km of railway infrastructure
Invitation for Tenders
Standard Procurement Documents two stage open tendering (works)
Call for Expression of Interest
Supporting the Ministry of Infrasrtucture and Energy to implement the new European Electronic Communications Code and the open Internet access regulation
Ftesë për shprehje interesi prej investitorëve vendas dhe të huaj për të investuar në industrinë e nxjerrjes dhe përpunimit të bakrit me synim shfrytëzimin kompleks dhe racional të lëndës parë minerare nëpërmjet përpunimit të plotë në vend deri në produkte finale tela e kabllo, me sinkronizim edhe riciklimin e mbetjeve metalike të bakrit e lidhjeve të tij, si një vlerë e shtuar për rritjen e të ardhurave, kontributit në GDP, eksport dhe punësim.
Për një informacion më të plotë të kësaj ftese për shprehje interesi, MEI ka përgatitur dokumentin bashkelidhur:
Invitation for expressions of interest from domestic and foreign investors to invest in the copper extraction and processing industry with the aim of complex and rational use of the first mineral resource through complete processing in the country to final wire and cable products, synchronization and recycling Copper and its alloys, as an added value for income growth, GDP contribution, export and employment.
For more complete information on this call for expressions of interest, MEI has prepared the attached document:
Pika kontakti ne MEI:
-Drejtoria e Politikave dhe Zhvillimit te Minierave
-Drejtoria e Politikave, Zhvillimit te Industrise dhe Standardeve Teknike
-Titullaret e Ministrise
Contact Points in MEI:
– Directorate for Mining Policy and Development
– Directorate for Policy, Industrial Development and Technical Standards
– Ministry Officials
Request for Expresssions Interest “Greece – Albania IPA Cross‐Border Programme” has been approved by the European Commission Decision No. Ε(2008) 4708 on 5/9/2008, Albania and Greece will develop the project Greece /Albania Energy Tourism (GALET) focus on “Energy & Environmental Friendly Tourism ‐ Planning &Demonstrative Actions”
Promovim mundësie investimi (anglisht)
Shprehje interesi për investime të mundshme në fushën e industrisë(ish-objekte industriale)
© Ministria e Infrastruktures dhe Energjise 2024 - Të gjitha të drejtat e rezervuara. Politikat e Privatësisë