Multimodal transport, Gjiknuri in Sofia: joint projects between the region - Ministria e Infrastrukturës dhe Energjisë
Postuar më: 20/03/2018

Multimodal transport, Gjiknuri in Sofia: joint projects between the region

Minister of Infrastructure and Energy Damian Gjiknuri is in Sofia where he is attending the High Level Conference organized by the European Union Presidency in the framework of the European multi-modal transport year.

European Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc, transport ministers of Southeast European countries, as well as some of the member countries, representatives of private companies in the field of rail and road transport participate in this meeting. Minister Gjiknuri also had a meeting with Commissioner Bulc with whom he discussed potential regional transport projects and the need for European Union support.

“The Transport Commissioner and senior commission representatives discussed the possible joint projects. At this conference there were also private companies, especially from railway and road transport. The commissioner asked for cooperation between these countries and the presentation of joint projects in the areas of road and rail transport “, said Minister Gjiknuri.

Minister Gjiknuri found the opportunity to emphasize that Albania has already advanced in coordination with the neighboring countries by applying for some joint projects.

“We were grateful for the fact that we will soon begin implementing the railroad project as well as the completion of some road segments, part of the southeastern corridors. There are other important projects such as maritime space management or other rail projects, especially the joint ties between Greece, Macedonia and other countries in the region. There is a huge additional opportunity for funding related to joint projects. On the other hand, coordination is required and Albania is cooperating with Montenegro, with Macedonia and Greece to win joint projects, “Gjiknuri said.

Another issue discussed during this conference was to facilitate cross-border transportation, common customs procedures and joint control points. Albania has begun to implement some, but standard procedures are now required from all countries in the region in order to facilitate the absorption of funds as well as multi-modal transport.