MEI reduces documents, facilities for citizens and entrepreneurs - Ministria e Infrastrukturës dhe Energjisë
Postuar më: 02/02/2018

MEI reduces documents, facilities for citizens and entrepreneurs

Deregulation reform, facilitation of citizens’ procedures and entrepreneurship was the topic of discussion held at the round table organized by the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Entrepreneurship.

Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Energy Mrs. Dorina  Çinari stated that this institution has undertaken a series of initiatives aimed at radically changing the way public services are provided from its structures, to fight corruption that is burdensome on citizens and entrepreneurship in our country.

“Our goal is to simplify as many procedures as possible, to eliminate the unnecessary documents, permits, licenses or authorizations that state institutions require in return for service delivery but without prejudice to security, and the protection of life, health, competition and functioning of market, ” Çinari said.

At the same time, she confirmed the aim is to bring the public services and the state administration closer to the citizens, responding to their needs and avoiding the long queues and time spent in the counters.

“The main beneficiaries of the deregulation reform are citizens and entrepreneurs, both on electricity supply issues, as well as those who own and use a vehicle or a navigation tool, professionals and entrepreneurs in the field of hydrocarbons, mining, construction, design , asset evaluation, in the field of transport, “said Çinari.
As a result of this reform will be made possible further facilitation of services for citizens and businesses by eliminating 142 documents that will no longer be required of them for any service provided by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy and its subsidiary institutions.
Also, about 201 documents will be taken directly from the electronic platforms of the public institutions themselves, through interaction with e-Albania e-platform, or interaction and communication with relevant public institutions.
The number of services that the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy currently offers is reduced from 59 to 13 by transferring 46 of them to subordinate institutions or third parties.

Certificates and professional licenses in the hydrocarbon sector under this reform are transferred to the Oil and Gas Institute as soon as it becomes operational.
Professional licenses in the mining sector are transferred to the AKBN, while the permits for firefighters are transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which issues and other permits for the civil use of explosives.

In the construction sector, professional licenses, in the field of design, supervision of collusion, implementation, and valuation of immovable property, are transferred to the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry as the institution that perfectly follows  the interests of this group.

In the motor vehicle sector and transport services, some services such as: Physical control of vehicles, or approval of constructive changes, are transferred to third parties specialized in carrying out these functions.

In the passenger land transport sector, licensing, authorization and issuing of certificates are transferred to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry as the institution that attracts the interests of this group.