Gjiknuri at the meeting with FIAA: Collaboration with business to guarantee the implementation of contracts - Ministria e Infrastrukturës dhe Energjisë
Postuar më: 08/11/2017

Gjiknuri at the meeting with FIAA: Collaboration with business to guarantee the implementation of contracts

Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Damian Gjiknuri attended today working morning organized by the Albanian Foreign Investors Association (AFII). In his speech, the minister emphasized on foreign investments in Albania, but stressed that the absorption of new investments starts with the treatment of investors that we currently have in our country. While pointing to large investments in the country, such as SHELL or Statkraft, Mr. Gjiknuri emphasized the complexity and difficulty of absorbing these investments.

“Because I have said it is very easy to sign a contract, but it is very difficult to implement it, especially the implementation of complex contracts involving civil works, relationships with people, social impacts, permits and many other elements are very difficult and really seek the attention of the government. ”

Following, Minister Gjiknuri once again stressed that an investment that is sustainable must first have a viable market, but also the role of institutions, while providing support for investors.

“The government should play its part with institutional support by providing facilities whenever there may be conflicts, whenever they are government-dependent and need to be resolved in time to enable foreign investment to go along well properly. So I’m talking to you as Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, you will have all my support and every capacity that the Ministry I lead or addiction institutions will be made available that those contracts are always understood based on a process competitive or when there are such strategic investments, you will have the support of the institutions to make possible the implementation of this contract, “underlined Gjiknuri.