Durrës, Gjiknuri inspects investments in water supply and sewerage - Ministria e Infrastrukturës dhe Energjisë
Postuar më: 31/01/2018

Durrës, Gjiknuri inspects investments in water supply and sewerage

Minister of Infrastructure and Energy Damian Gjiknuri accompanied by Mayor Vangjush Dako inspected the works for the sewerage and water supply network in Durrës. The new water supply line for the city of Durrës is an investment which costs 31.6 million euros. Meanwhile, the first phase of the investment for the construction of the secondary sewerage network in the Plazh-Durrës area has been completed in the amount of 7.7 million Euros. The second phase of work for this network is currently being carried out and funding amounts to 5 million Euros. In total, investments in water supply and sewerage in Durrës exceed 50 million Euros.

“It is one of the biggest investments that will give final solution to the issue of water and sanitation in Durrës, which is a very important city from an economic and tourist standpoint. It is an investment fully guaranteed by the investments of the Albanian government and based on the communication I have had with the mayor, especially last year’s work is going very well. We hope to finish it in time and it is one of the transformational works for all citizens of Durrës, “said Minister Gjiknuri.

Durrës Mayor Vangjush Dako stated that the investment of citizens from this investment is very large because finally the sewage of sewage in the sea will be closed.

“We completed the first phase, the project from Ura e Dajlanit to Mali i Robit and we have already started from Currilat to the sewage treatment plant. This main collector will collect all of the Waters of the neighborhood, number 1, neighborhoods 2, 3 and 4, which spilled some of them into the sea. We have already solved this problem. Beyond this investment, we are also investing in drinking water. It is a World Bank-enabled financing that will triple the water supply capacity of Durrës city residents. These two investments, together with the rehabilitation of the water supply and water supply network of the entire city of Durrës, we believe that in June 2019 we will have finally resolved the water supply and supply of water, sewage and white waters ” , Dako underlined.

Minister Gjiknuri also paid attention to reforms in the drinking water sector, once again urging family members to use a one-month extended term for self-discipline without penalties.

“All of these investments to be sustainable should have a financial soundness of the sector. The financial health comes from regular payment of water just as it did with energy. If we all pay, we will have the opportunity to make even more investments, “said Gjiknuri.

Mayor Dako said that the action for cutting illegal connections has already started. “Only these days have been added to our counters, not only new connections but also payments. For a month, so many new connections have been made to one year. Payments have been multiplied. I urge all businesses that use water to make payments within the deadline. On the other hand, we have come to the aid of all the families in need, the families with the disabled, to sign contracts with our water supply company, to make the payments reduced and extended in time, “Dako explained.