2.2 million Swiss francs for solid waste management in Berat Region - Ministria e Infrastrukturës dhe Energjisë
Postuar më: 01/11/2017

2.2 million Swiss francs for solid waste management in Berat Region

At the premises of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, an agreement was signed today by the Swiss government granting a grant of 2.2 million francs with the aim of improving the management of solid waste in the Berat Region.

The agreement was signed by Minister Damian Gjiknuri, Ambassador Christoph Graf and representatives of four of the municipalities of this County, respectively Petrit Sinaj from Berat Municipality, Selfo Kapllani from Kuçova Municipality, Juliana Memaj from Ura Vajgurore Municipality and Nesim Spahiu from Skrapar Municipality.

“Albania faces a major problem when it comes to waste treatment. I want to make it clear that this project helps to create a concrete example of how waste can be managed in Albania. The project will have a very specific regional focus, but if successful it can be implemented in other regions, “Ambassador Christoph Graf said.

Minister Gjiknuri thanked the Swiss government for the help it provides in addressing a problematic issue like waste. “I think it is the right solution to waste management at the regional level because we cannot build and can not finance individual landfills for small unions. This is an integrated approach to urban waste. The government’s strategy has been that urban waste accumulates in certain places where it will be treated according to the respective technological solutions, “said Minister Gjiknuri.

The project will develop the overall capacity of public authorities for solid waste management, but in particular it will foster the skills for drafting policies and financing schemes to improve services. It will lay the foundations for future sustainable infrastructure investments.

The project will support institutional capacity development, review of the Regional Waste Management Plan and preparation of the Feasibility Study aimed at future regional investment measures. Awareness raising and public awareness is sought, as well as the design and implementation of short-term measures.